Looking back on 2018 makes me wish I had spent more time outdoors with my camera pursuing great images, but 2019 will be better! It was still a pretty good year for photography though, with brief trips to Nova Scotia and Baja California, and the near continuous shooting of our infrared-triggered Trail Cam.

Brown pelicans diving for fish off Isla Magdalena.
The Browning Trail Cam came through with some interesting photos and videos in 2018. Although the photos from this camera are not super sharp, especially the IR ones in the dark, the camera allows us to see what wildlife is out and about at night, and offers a small glimpse into their lives. There is a small game trail at the north end of our property that cuts through the willows, and we have captured photos here of black bear, coyote, bobcat, raccoon, black-tailed jackrabbit, gray fox, mule deer, and mountain lion, not to mention the occasional quail and spotted towhees that trigger the camera.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy a few candid shots of the local wildlife from Swall Meadows, and the cougar video at the bottom. This video is a 4-minute compilation of 20-second videos of a family of mountain lions feeding on a deer kill in late June. (This is probably the same family that dragged a deer kill by our house in January). Turn up your audio to hear the chirps from the one-year old cubs and the sneeze. Happy New Year!

A young bobcat approaching another by the tree

A young bobcat approaches closer….

Two young bobcats sparring for the camera.

A gray fox making the neighborhood rounds.

Mom mule deer and two fawns on the lookout.

A mule deer buck tailing a doe with one thing on his mind.